Should you allow your cat to leave the house?
The decision to let the cat leave the house or not does not always depend on the owner. These kittens have their fame earned by escaping for a walk in the surroundings for several hours and even days. Should you allow your cat to go out or do you use all means to keep it […]
How to face the death of your pet?
There is no doubt that the bond we form with our furry friends is strong and their loss can hurt as much or more than that of a relative. It is not something to be ashamed of, your pain is real. We will share some tips for face the death of your pet that will […]
Tips to bathe your cat successfully
At some point we have all heard that cats hate water and it is not an acquired bad reputation but a reality. Next, we will give you several tips to bathe your cat successfully that can be very helpful.